Monday, August 24, 2009

Scooting the Ozarks Rally

I will be attending the "Scooting the Ozarks" rally coming up September 16-19, 2009 in Eureka Springs, AR. Here is a link to the rally's website:

SEPTEMBER 16-19, 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

2010 Honda Elite

This apparently old news but I'll post it up here anyway for folks who may not have heard. Honda is rolling out a new model in the US, the 2010 Honda Elite. It is due out August 2009 but the specs aren't shown on Honda's site other than stating the engine is 108cc and fuel injected. Base price is going to be $2,999.

Goldwing Trunk for Helix

While second-hand shopping today with a friend, I came across a "Honda" branded trunk from a motorcycle still attached to the chrome rack. As I figured, it came from an early 80's Goldwing (about 1981-1983 to be exact). It's in rough shape but came complete with two keys for it. It even has a passenger backrest on it! So now, I will be selling the OEM Helix passenger backrest, installing the original cross grab bar in place of it, installing one of the aftermarket Helix luggage racks from ebay and installing this top case. I will have ample weather-protected, lockable storage as well as more storage on top of it since it has an addition rack on top. It even had an odd, old 3 light DOT approved fixture stored inside. I guess they never got around to installing it on their bike.

Friday, August 21, 2009

"Orange Crush" Honda Helix

This is an awesome custom Helix someone did. It aparently was listed on ebay at some point for $5,000 but I don't know when or if it sold. It's strange how the trunk lacks any kind of lock or latch. What's the point of that?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First post

Just testing out the blog...